Adam Zane Alsabery

Front End Development


Keywords for the recruiter folks: Javascript, Typescript, Node, Storybook, NextJs, FusionJs, Figma, SSR(server-side rendering), Koa, Redux, CSS, HTML, RTK Query, React Testing Library, Mui, Material, Emotion, Semgrep, Webpack, Java, Jira, Framer, Mapbox

Flock Freight

October 2021 - March 2024

I was brought on as a product engineer with the expectation that I'd build reusable components for the full-stack and back-end folks along the way. But we were stuck in a dependency rot, and so to even conceive of components that would be useful in later years, I had to start doing some pretty aggressive migrations. I very naturally found my way into this infrastructural role, which was formalized only 6 months later.

  • Decoupled and enforced the monolithic layout into 4 product experience layouts and an additional infrastructure layer on top.
    • This was essential to manage the blast radius of changes as we grew product-oriented teams from 3 to 7 in a year.
  • Provided interfacing solutions between product engineers and designers by introducing a theme, a design update process, a Storybook instance for a "source of truth", and custom Peacock components to take the design burden off of product engineers.
    • Peacock component examples include: lazy-loaded maps, smart-stacking notifications, pre-configured page layouts, popovers, collapsible cards, and modals.
  • A consistent theme of aggressive migrations. I take great pride in simplifying code, and jumping into what I call "the darkness". The absolutely ancient terrible code that no one wants to touch for fear of both toil and regression.
    • Initial upgrade efforts brought us from React 15 to 17, and from Node 8 to 16.
    • Removal of unneeded barrel files reduced bundle size by 40% and time to render by 30%.
    • Switching map providers and loading styles saved over $100k/year in operational budget.
  • Spread knowledge and facilitated culture by tutoring designers and engineers, holding office hours, hosting lunch-n-learns, creating the "Web Guild", "Bob Ross Virtual Paint Night", and hackathons.
    • Our peak hackathon had over 11 submissions and 70 participants.
  • Selected preferred tools, proved viability with proof-of-concept refactors, and maintained robust best practice documentation to facilitate peer migrations.
    • Selected library examples include: Mui, Emotion, React Testing Library, and Storybook.
  • Introduced semgrep rules to help automate against "legacy practices". Repurposed semgrep to create a reporting tool called "Loon" that enabled the org to track migration progress. Additionally introduced a CLI script called "Chicken" to help generate code according to best practices.
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Uber Freight

August 2019 - October 2021

Married to the Shipper Platform product. Anything from generating and parsing Excel sheets on Node servers(in order to facilitate bulk orders), to customizing RPC middleware for opinionated rate-limiting, to fully driving the Help flows, to reimplementing the Load Details page.

  • Rewrote a FusionJs/Koa rate-limiting middleware to support varying granularities with targeted error messages.
  • Full ownership of the Support Center customer service feature. Wrote product requirements, participated in design of UX, defined backend API contract, helped find resourcing for backend work, implemented the front end, and led corresponding bug bash. Customer wait times dropped from 55 minutes to 10.
  • Acted as “point” for two consecutive Bulk Upload initiatives, which replicated and abstracted our main Create Load flow into an excel sheet to better support power users.
  • Acted as champion for business-impacting decisions like Internet Explorer support in the company’s shared components(only in the freight world will you see 15% of business from a deprecated browser).
  • Rebuilt “bread and butter” pages like load-details or the generate-quote-calendar for simplicity and scaling. Doesn’t necessarily speak to quality, but line counts going from roughly 4,000 to 1,300 and 900 to 400.
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August 2014 - December 2018
August 2013 - November 2013

What started as a research-focused internship was fortunately turned into a full-time offer. Full stack role started with primarily Java-based Android development and supporting services for warehouses and delivery systems. Later years focused around supporting React/React Native social applications(ex. polling, shopping, and messaging experiences).

  • Internationalized a delivery workflow stack in anticipation of global expansion. Android native development, architecture scaling, onsite support, MySQL schema updates, and Java-implemented API refactors all facilitated the launch of Amazon’s delivery network in Mexico.
  • Designed and implemented an offline authentication scheme for DORA, the last mile delivery application(Android).
  • Migrated the endpoints, models, and validators of the delivery dispatcher application(BackboneJs) in a last-minute scaling effort for Black Friday.
  • Authored reusable components(React Native) like intelligent lists and swipeable buttons for inter-team use in the Social org.
  • Ran the Poll Chat initiative, which involved trialing the SSNAP React Native architecture's state-sharing capabilities, and contributing fixes to the bugs that they surfaced.
  • Key "plumber" in the TwoCents migration. An accidentally successful Rails-based polling service was rewritten in Java according to modern Amazon standards and tooling. This service is currently used in Twitch and can handle at least 3000 TPS.
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